The people have spoken! And this is the next outtake you wanted to read. I am working on the others as well so be patient please.---
"I am seriously worried about you, Edward."
I looked up at my cousin, trying to look as innocent as possible. He didn't need to know I was completely whipped.
We'd been raking leaves and trimming rose bushes all morning because Alice banished us from the house until yard work was done. What was I worrying about? If anyone could understand being whipped it was my little cousin. It was almost sad.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, unable to wipe the grin from my face.
"I'm talking about you whistling and singing under your breath all morning like stink'n Mr. Rogers," he accused. "Yard work is not that fun, man."
He leaned on the rake handle, studying me intently for a second. Would it be wrong of me to kick it out from under him?
"Are you on crack?" He asked finally.
I returned to raking the lawn.
"Yep," I said, un-bothered. "Are you going to turn me in?" I looked up at him warily. "Because if you do you know I'll have to kill you."
He rolled his eyes.
"What is up with you?" He asked again. "Tell your cousin all about it."
I repressed my smile.
"It's nothing." I shrugged, not wanting to look like a chump by admitting my mood had been drastically altered by a girl saying she'd go out with me. We hadn't even kissed. I shouldn't be this happy about just the idea of being with her but I was, snarky comments and all.
Jasper huffed, annoyed that I wasn't willing to spill my guts to him. Some times he was such a little girl.
We worked in silence for the next twenty minutes and I made sure to keep the whistling to a minimum. To be truthful I hadn't realized I was whistling and I could see his point. I would think I was on crack too.
"Very good, gentlemen," Alice gave her approval from the sliding glass doors. "Now can we talk about the wedding?"
Jasper looked like he was in pain but I was not going to stick around and help him with this one. I'd had to hear all about the wedding since the moment I arrived. I hadn't even known so much went into a wedding. What did it matter what colors the napkins were? People were going to wipe their mouth with them. End of story.
"I'll get out of your hair so you two can talk," I said, leaning my rake against the house.
Alice smiled at me sweetly.
"You don't have to leave, Edward," She assured me. "You can give me your opinion too."
I leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"Thanks, Ali," I said. "But actually I've got tons of errands I need to do."
Jasper sent me a death glare as he walked up to her, knowing he was going to spend the rest of the morning being tutored with wedding details and I shrugged.
"That's odd," Jasper said, slinging his arm over Alice's shoulder. "You didn't say anything about errands."
I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Must have forgotten to mention it."
He narrowed his eyes at me. Tough luck, buddy. He may be my cousin but he was the one who put a ring on her finger, he could help her plan the wedding.
The town of Forks was nothing like Chicago. It was minuscule. There was one little street going right down the middle of 'down town.'
...Turns out that street was down town. I peaked into a few of the stores and when I found nothing else to amuse myself with I decided to count how many steps it took to walk down this striving metropolis.
I was on eighteen when I looked to my left casually and caught sight of a very familiar girl. It was her.
She was sitting in what looked to be a coffee shop, smirking at someone as she talked. No big surprises there. She was leaning back in her seat, the picture of ease. Her long brown hair was piled on top of her head and she was wearing a fitted blue tee shirt with some graphic design emblazoned on her chest. She looked beautiful.
It wasn't until she laughed that I even thought to look at the person she was with. There was a very big man fanning himself next to her.
I don't know what came over me. One second I was in awe of the fiery beauty sitting in front of me and the next I was seething because that guy could make her laugh. What was that? Nothing usually bothered me, with a few exceptions. But I was most definitely bothered now.
At some point I realized I looked like an imbecile standing here, staring in at her so I decided to go in. I might as well say hi.
Something tells me she wouldn't want me to come say hello but for some odd reason that just made it even more appealing. It had been almost thirteen hours since I had seen the fire that burns in her eyes when she threatens my life. Besides, I felt the need to make myself known to the guy sitting next to her.
I stuffed my hands in my pockets, striving to look casual as if I hadn't just been standing outside debating with myself moments before, and walked up to their table.
She glanced up, looking panicked. Is she okay? Seriously, her eyes were so wide you'd think Pluto the dog walked up to her, asking about Mikey's whereabouts.
Her hand was on the guys arm and as hard as I tried I couldn't stop my eyes from landing there. I had never felt the need for physical violence before. I'm not usually a short-tempered guy. Why make a big deal out of the little things I always think. But this didn't seem like a little thing. And I definitely felt a temper coming out. I wanted to rip this guys arm off.
"Hey, Edward," She greeted, brushing off whatever had her freaked out before. She removed her hand from his arm as if she could read my mind and I let out a silent sigh of relief.
I saw her eyes sweep over me quickly and I figured, well if she can why can't I?
It turns out the blue tee shirt was stamped with a dancing banana of all things and I almost chuckled aloud. That was Bella for you. The shirt was also tighter than I'd previously seen her wear and that's what actually stopped the chuckle. It died pretty fast in my throat as I saw red bra straps sticking out, just barely visible. God have mercy.
"Just because you admit to the stalking doesn't mean you can continue unabashed you know," She broke me out of my haze of lust.
I smirked, deciding to send a message to the guy sitting right in front of me that I had so far managed not to acknowledge.
"Well, Ms. Swan," I drawled. "I see you are just as witty as when I left your house last night."
Only then did I allow my eyes to land on the man, warning him. I wasn't going anywhere. I might not have known this girl for long but she was already more interesting than anyone else I'd ever meant. I won't be backing down any time soon.
The man didn't meet my challenge. He just raised one eyebrow and if I didn't know any better I'd think he was amused.
"Is that right, Bells?" he smirked.
"I'm always witty. Haven't you noticed?"
The tone of her voice drew my eyes back to her. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was giving me her most deadly glare. It was hard to take it too seriously though because the way her arms were positioned folded the banana so it looked like the poor dancing fool was suffocating in breasts. What a way to go!
"I have," I nodded, not scared in the least. She was all bark and no bite... I think. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"
I shot the aforementioned friend a little glare out of the corner of my eye. I don't know where this was coming from. I'm pretty sure I had better manors in pre-k but everything was different with Bella. She was mine.
Okay, not exactly mine because she'd only just agreed to a date with me last night. And even then it had taken me weeks of nonstop pestering to get her to agree to that much. But I wouldn't give up until she was.
"Jake, this is Edward Cullen, AKA truck-napper," She introduced dutifully.
That was good news I guess; she'd told him about me at least.
"Edward, this is Jake, my lover."
Her voice dropped on the last word, sounding sultry and sexy. I choked on my own spit before I'd even processed what she had said.
Wait! What had she said? She couldn't have-
She raised one slim eyebrow in a clear challenge.
Yes. Yes she had. Well if I'd wanted to tear the guys arm off before now I wanted to saw it off with a rusty spoon and feed it to him.
The big tanned butt-wipe broke me from my unusually murderous thoughts by busting into obnoxious laughter.
"Awe, Bells, I think you just gave the poor guy a heart attack," he chuckled, pushing himself up from his chair.
Bella shrugged and he patted her head as if she was an amusing if not sometimes annoying little sister.
"Good luck," He said, giving me a pitying look. "She can be quite the little fire cracker."
What is with the people in this town? I hope it's not something in the water. I'd hate to go back to Chicago certifiably nuts.
Then this 'Jake' guy walked off talking about calling someone named Sam.
Bella rolled her eyes but other than that she acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. But then again I guess it wasn't out of the norm for Bella.
I stood there patiently waiting for her to explain what had just happened here because I was almost as confused as I had been the time Jasper mass forwarded a picture of Emmett in drag. He'd bet him that his girlfriends clothes wouldn't fit and you know Emmett's motto, never turn down a bet. They hadn't fit of course and his then girlfriend, Jessica, had been royally pissed. I'd never met the woman but something seemed off with her. I mean, who can maintain their temper with Emmett in a mini?
Anyway I was almost as confused now as I had been when I received that picture, just as everyone else in Jasper's phone book had been, and I kept waiting for Bella's explanation. But it didn't look as if she planned to give me one. She took a casual sip of her coffee and studied her nails.
I finally cleared my throat and she smirked at me from under her lashes.
"You're looking a little confused there, truck-napper." Just by the way she said it you could tell that caused her great joy. "And civil. Civil as an orange and something of that jealous complexion."
I chuckled.
"How many voices are in your head, Swan?"
She shrugged as I took the seat across from her.
"So... what just happened here, DB?" I finally asked. I glanced at the window where I could see Jake standing outside talking on his cell phone. He was laughing as if he were telling the funniest story in all of existence.
Bella snorted.
"You were being all territorial so I used my wit to defuse the situation." She said simply.
I was prepared to argue. That didn't sound like something I'd do. I wasn't territorial. But then I remembered thoughts of cutting off strangers arms and feeding it to them. ...Okay so I wasn't usually territorial.
"Are you sure he knows you were just using him to keep me in my place?" I tried to turn the tables on her.
She laughed.
"First of all, I don't use my friends," she insisted. "And secondly if you keep staring at him his boyfriend is going to get testy."
My head jerked up and my mouth dropped open as everything clicked into place.
Aw, shark farts. Please tell me she hadn't just used her gay friend to make me jealous.
"And Sam's a big guy," She continued seriously, proud of herself. "You do not want Sam mad at you."
This was Bella we were talking about. Of course she had.
Author's Note: I'm wondering if I should continue this blog because I don't get many comments. Is anyone reading this or should I just post the outtakes on fanfic? Anyway if you are reading it here leave me some feedback? Favorite line/scene? How did you like Edward revelation? 'Aw, shark farts' is taken from tiny fey in 30 rock btw. I got severely distracted while writing this chapter because I was looking at funny movie quotes to use and stumbled upon one of my favorite shows, arrested development. If you haven't seen it I highly suggest it. It's amazingly funny. And if anyone is interested truck-napper has progressed to the voting stage of the giggle/snort awards for best Edward. He thanks everyone that nominated him. (Like his head needs to get any bigger!) Voting starts May 20th if you want to lend your support further. We've also made it to the voting stage for overall. The story is up against some crazy-cool stories so I'm going to need everyones help. :) Yes, I'm shamelessly begging now. Lol
Much Love!
Don't forget to leave ideas for more outtakes that you want to see. I'll try to write them for you
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Giggle/Snort Awards

I received an e-mail this morning saying Tales of a Charming Truck-Napper had been nominated for best edward, best bella, and best overall at the giggle/snort awards. That is unbelievably cool. But the thing is only the stories with the most nominations can continue to the voting stage so if you could take two seconds and go to this link ( and push the little nominate button that would be crazy cool. Thank you to everyone who nominated this story in the first place! Truck-Napper actually blushed when he heared he'd been nominated for best edward. Bella wasn't too surprised. Lol. Voting starts May 12th so hurry, hurry. Love you all!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Interview with Truck-Napper
Bare with me guys. There were a lot of questions to answer. :) I am the italics and truck-napper is in bold lettering. Enjoy!
Hey, truck-napper. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview.
*Shrugs* No problem. I guess Bella was serious about having to work so I have free time.
Are you saying that you wouldn't have come if Bella wasn't busy?
*Grins apologetically*
You know I could always have Jake decide to switch teams...
*Glares* That's not funny
Wouldn't he and Bella make a cute couple?
My fans would hunt you down.
*Gulps* Very true
*Grins smugly* So wasn't there some questions?
Oh yeah. *Looks for paper with the questions*
*Rolls eyes* the desk in the corner
Here we go! *Clears throat* So our friend Chele the original wants to know, how scared are you of meeting Chief Swan on a scale from one to ten?
*Blanches* Me? I'm- *Clears throat* I'm not scared. Maybe... a one?
*Raises eyebrows* If you're not honest I'm going to rewrite your character with a facial twitch and a very unfortunate stutter. *Snickers* I could make you little Sammy Sprinklers!
*Mumbles something under breath* You are a different breed of evil. *Sigh* Fine, ten being a ravenous man eating hippo that's lost all it's teeth so it has to gum you to death... seven?
*Frowns* Hey, he has guns. Big guns! And I didn't make the best first impression.
*Tisks* You should have known better, buddy
Next question?
Fine. Krizma wants to know about the tattoos. What and where are they? And you should know she winked when she asked.
How do you know that? Didn't they all type their questions?
Emoticons, Edward. Emoticons. *Rolls eyes* Now stop avoiding the question.
*Sighs* I have the tattoo of my mother's name on the inside of my wrist of course. Then I have the Chinese symbol for family on my left bicep that I got in college. Jasper and I got Cullen tattooed across our upper backs between the shoulder blades when he turned eighteen.
And what was Bella's reaction to those?
*Grins goofily*
Okay then. Rosebud024 has a lot of questions. You ready for this?
*grins* I'm sure I can handle it.
*snickers* Okay then. Do you want anymore tattoos?
What is it with you girls and tattoos?
Aren't I the one asking questions? They're hot okay.
*Rolls eyes* I might be up for another one in the future but I don't want to end up looking like a walking ink shop.
Fair enough. She also wants to know who your favorite card writer is...
*Holds hands up* Kidding. Bella of course! Her boss is insane. Those cards are hilarious!
Aren't they supposed to be CONDOLENCE cards?
Alright. Moving right along. Her next question is, have you ever dated a gay man?
What?! Let me see that paper! That's not what she asked.
*Nods, holding paper closer* She did. I'm quoting her words exactly.
*Huffs* I have never and will never date a gay man
*Smirks* Not even Jacob Black?
No gay men! Ever!
What about straight men?
You are not as funny as you think you are, Marie. I will never and have never dated a man. Next. Question.
*Laughs* Don't get testy there, truck-napper. I'm just the messenger. Her next question is, if you never met Bella what kind of girl would you go for? Independent or dependent?
*Scoffs* No contest. Independent. I like doing things for my girl but no guy wants a girl that can't do anything without you. Major turn off.
Good answer. *Grins* Her last question: have you ever pulled off someones S.E.X bracelet?
*Frowns* What?
*Shrugs* The bracelets. They're different colors and if you snap one off...
We didn't have that game when I was in school. What happened to spinning the bottle?
*Shrugs* I have no idea. Is that a no?
I didn't even know what they were...
Okay, here's some more questions. TWIHARDalltheway wants to know why nothing bothers you.
*Sighs* Things bother me sometimes but I try not to over react. When Bella is teasing me for instance. She's just teasing. That's no reason to go mental on her. There's enough of that from her side. *Rolls eyes*
*Laughs* I'm telling! I'm telling!
*Talking over Marie* I guess I just try not to stress the little things.
Good philosophy. I should try that some time. Alrighty, MagentaFunBubble wants to know what you would say to Bella if she said she was getting fat.
*Sits up straighter and rehearses* "You look beautiful, Baby. You always look beautiful."
That's exactly what I would say. That's also what I say to, "does this dress make me look fat?" and "I think the hair dresser messed up. Does it look okay to you?"
Probably safer
*Nods* But in all honesty I don't love Bella because she's hot.'s a plus... But that's not what makes her db.
*Swoons* Did you rehearse these answers in the mirror before you came?
*Shakes head.* Alright, on to some tougher questions...
*Gulps* Tougher?
*Nods* Lauren James wants to know when you first realized you were in love with Bella
*Smiles* I think I started falling for her when she helped me with making Em look gay. *Chuckles* But I knew for sure the night we ate on the roof. That was the first time we got a chance to really talk and it all came together then. I guess that's when I felt like I really knew her. She's fun, and sarcastic, and doesn't take my crap. But there's more to her than that. She almost cried when I was telling her about my mom and then she told me about giving up her dream job to come take care of her dad. She's very compassionate too; she just doesn't like to show it.
You guys are so cute!
*Rolls eyes* Well I wasn't going to say something cheesy like, 'she's everything!'
She is though?
*grins* Of course. It's just cheesy to say.
*Laughs* That brings us to a question from GoLdEnAnGeL80. What are you going to do when it's time for you to go back to Chicago?
*Frowns* I haven't really thought about it. I have to get back to work soon after the wedding and I know I can't ask Bella to leave her life so I'm hoping we'll start a long distance relationship. I plan on calling her five times a day, driving the guys at work nuts with stories about her. Hmm... we'll have to get skype too. Do you think Bella would kill me if I bought one for her before I leave?
*Nods* Probably. But you can suggest she buy one.
I'll just buy her one and put it somewhere she'll find it before I get on the plane. She can't kill me if I'm not there.
You are doubting Bella's skills now. She could hire someone.
And now that we've got you warmed up we have a question from fcajoymarting. She wants to know and I'm quoting, "When are you going to pop the question for real?"
*Eyes widen* Have you met Bella? Bella Swan? Brown hair, doe eyes, temper of an angry viking?
*Rolls eyes* Yes, we know. She might not be ready for that step right now...
*Shakes head* Probably not. But when she's ready I'll be there. I'd be more than willing to marry her tomorrow.
*Leans closer to Marie conspiratorially*
Hey, you're the writer. Shouldn't you be telling me when Bella will be ready to marry me?
*Grins* All in due time, padawan. All in due time
Okay so there it is. I hope you guys liked it. The next chapter will probably be up sometime Wednesday. Comment or truck-napper will think you don't love him. His poor self esteem is very fragile. :D Much Love!
Hey, truck-napper. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview.
*Shrugs* No problem. I guess Bella was serious about having to work so I have free time.
Are you saying that you wouldn't have come if Bella wasn't busy?
*Grins apologetically*
You know I could always have Jake decide to switch teams...
*Glares* That's not funny
Wouldn't he and Bella make a cute couple?
My fans would hunt you down.
*Gulps* Very true
*Grins smugly* So wasn't there some questions?
Oh yeah. *Looks for paper with the questions*
*Rolls eyes* the desk in the corner
Here we go! *Clears throat* So our friend Chele the original wants to know, how scared are you of meeting Chief Swan on a scale from one to ten?
*Blanches* Me? I'm- *Clears throat* I'm not scared. Maybe... a one?
*Raises eyebrows* If you're not honest I'm going to rewrite your character with a facial twitch and a very unfortunate stutter. *Snickers* I could make you little Sammy Sprinklers!
*Mumbles something under breath* You are a different breed of evil. *Sigh* Fine, ten being a ravenous man eating hippo that's lost all it's teeth so it has to gum you to death... seven?
*Frowns* Hey, he has guns. Big guns! And I didn't make the best first impression.
*Tisks* You should have known better, buddy
Next question?
Fine. Krizma wants to know about the tattoos. What and where are they? And you should know she winked when she asked.
How do you know that? Didn't they all type their questions?
Emoticons, Edward. Emoticons. *Rolls eyes* Now stop avoiding the question.
*Sighs* I have the tattoo of my mother's name on the inside of my wrist of course. Then I have the Chinese symbol for family on my left bicep that I got in college. Jasper and I got Cullen tattooed across our upper backs between the shoulder blades when he turned eighteen.
And what was Bella's reaction to those?
*Grins goofily*
Okay then. Rosebud024 has a lot of questions. You ready for this?
*grins* I'm sure I can handle it.
*snickers* Okay then. Do you want anymore tattoos?
What is it with you girls and tattoos?
Aren't I the one asking questions? They're hot okay.
*Rolls eyes* I might be up for another one in the future but I don't want to end up looking like a walking ink shop.
Fair enough. She also wants to know who your favorite card writer is...
*Holds hands up* Kidding. Bella of course! Her boss is insane. Those cards are hilarious!
Aren't they supposed to be CONDOLENCE cards?
Alright. Moving right along. Her next question is, have you ever dated a gay man?
What?! Let me see that paper! That's not what she asked.
*Nods, holding paper closer* She did. I'm quoting her words exactly.
*Huffs* I have never and will never date a gay man
*Smirks* Not even Jacob Black?
No gay men! Ever!
What about straight men?
You are not as funny as you think you are, Marie. I will never and have never dated a man. Next. Question.
*Laughs* Don't get testy there, truck-napper. I'm just the messenger. Her next question is, if you never met Bella what kind of girl would you go for? Independent or dependent?
*Scoffs* No contest. Independent. I like doing things for my girl but no guy wants a girl that can't do anything without you. Major turn off.
Good answer. *Grins* Her last question: have you ever pulled off someones S.E.X bracelet?
*Frowns* What?
*Shrugs* The bracelets. They're different colors and if you snap one off...
We didn't have that game when I was in school. What happened to spinning the bottle?
*Shrugs* I have no idea. Is that a no?
I didn't even know what they were...
Okay, here's some more questions. TWIHARDalltheway wants to know why nothing bothers you.
*Sighs* Things bother me sometimes but I try not to over react. When Bella is teasing me for instance. She's just teasing. That's no reason to go mental on her. There's enough of that from her side. *Rolls eyes*
*Laughs* I'm telling! I'm telling!
*Talking over Marie* I guess I just try not to stress the little things.
Good philosophy. I should try that some time. Alrighty, MagentaFunBubble wants to know what you would say to Bella if she said she was getting fat.
*Sits up straighter and rehearses* "You look beautiful, Baby. You always look beautiful."
That's exactly what I would say. That's also what I say to, "does this dress make me look fat?" and "I think the hair dresser messed up. Does it look okay to you?"
Probably safer
*Nods* But in all honesty I don't love Bella because she's hot.'s a plus... But that's not what makes her db.
*Swoons* Did you rehearse these answers in the mirror before you came?
*Shakes head.* Alright, on to some tougher questions...
*Gulps* Tougher?
*Nods* Lauren James wants to know when you first realized you were in love with Bella
*Smiles* I think I started falling for her when she helped me with making Em look gay. *Chuckles* But I knew for sure the night we ate on the roof. That was the first time we got a chance to really talk and it all came together then. I guess that's when I felt like I really knew her. She's fun, and sarcastic, and doesn't take my crap. But there's more to her than that. She almost cried when I was telling her about my mom and then she told me about giving up her dream job to come take care of her dad. She's very compassionate too; she just doesn't like to show it.
You guys are so cute!
*Rolls eyes* Well I wasn't going to say something cheesy like, 'she's everything!'
She is though?
*grins* Of course. It's just cheesy to say.
*Laughs* That brings us to a question from GoLdEnAnGeL80. What are you going to do when it's time for you to go back to Chicago?
*Frowns* I haven't really thought about it. I have to get back to work soon after the wedding and I know I can't ask Bella to leave her life so I'm hoping we'll start a long distance relationship. I plan on calling her five times a day, driving the guys at work nuts with stories about her. Hmm... we'll have to get skype too. Do you think Bella would kill me if I bought one for her before I leave?
*Nods* Probably. But you can suggest she buy one.
I'll just buy her one and put it somewhere she'll find it before I get on the plane. She can't kill me if I'm not there.
You are doubting Bella's skills now. She could hire someone.
And now that we've got you warmed up we have a question from fcajoymarting. She wants to know and I'm quoting, "When are you going to pop the question for real?"
*Eyes widen* Have you met Bella? Bella Swan? Brown hair, doe eyes, temper of an angry viking?
*Rolls eyes* Yes, we know. She might not be ready for that step right now...
*Shakes head* Probably not. But when she's ready I'll be there. I'd be more than willing to marry her tomorrow.
*Leans closer to Marie conspiratorially*
Hey, you're the writer. Shouldn't you be telling me when Bella will be ready to marry me?
*Grins* All in due time, padawan. All in due time
Okay so there it is. I hope you guys liked it. The next chapter will probably be up sometime Wednesday. Comment or truck-napper will think you don't love him. His poor self esteem is very fragile. :D Much Love!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
EPOV of Chapter#1
Disclaimer: Tales of a charming truck-napper belongs to me but all things twilight belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.
This was written for cassii25 as a thank you for the beautiful banners she made me. Thanks again, girl!
"Can you believe Jasper's getting married?" I asked. It boggled my mind that any of us were old enough to get married. Wasn't it yesterday that we were getting in trouble because we broke Aunt Esme's window? Actually the neighbor girl broke the window in retribution for sticking a frog down the back of her shirt but Esme didn't see the injustice of it all.
Emmett shrugged.
"I'm surprised it took him this long to ask her." he admitted. "You should see him when he's around her. He's a total wuss around the pixie, man."
I laughed.
"You can't say anything." I reminded him. "You're married too."
He grinned.
"And my Rosie is awesome." he notified me for the third time that morning. I rolled my eyes but I wasn't upset. I was happy for them both. Rose and Alice sounded pretty cool, even if they did have my boys by the balls.
"So, when are you getting married, Eddie?"
I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.
"I haven't really thought about it." I said honestly. Out of all the girls that I had dated I hadn't found one that I would purposefully tie myself to for the rest of my life.
He shrugged.
"You will when you find the right girl." he promised.
I chuckled.
"Is Emmett McCarty going doctor Phil on me now?" I joked.
He shot me a look, not appreciating the humor in the situation obviously. But believe me, it was funny. Emmett was not deep, by any stretch of the imagination. I met Emmett for the first time when I visited Jasper in college. I was hoping to meet some of these girls they'd been talking about but they were bummed because they had met new girls since talking to me last and they were visiting their parents over holiday. They swore they were "the ones." I had mocked them of course but I guess they were right because Emmett had married Rose as soon as he could possibly get the ring on her finger and my cousin was marrying the other in about a month. They hadn't been any fun that weekend and I hadn't met any hot college girls. But I didn't hold it against them and Emmett and I kept in touch since then off and on. He was a fun guy when he wasn't moping about his woman leaving him for the weekend.
"So what else has been going on?" I asked, pushing the sleeves of my sweatshirt up as we jogged.
He huffed, his breath visible in the air as he tugged his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face.
"Nothing really." he shrugged. "Rosie's been bugging me about having a baby nonstop and Jasper got a new truck."
I quirked an eyebrow.
"Nothing much?" I quoted with a note of disbelief. "Jasper got a new truck? That's awesome!"
I used all the enthusiasm I could and then I let my face fall into shock, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Are you trying?" I asked.
"Trying?" He questioned, sounding too innocent.
I shot him a look.
"For a kid."
He watched his feet as they marked a steady pace across the trail.
"I don't know." he said finally. "I guess a kid would be cool but not right now."
He didn't want to talk about it so I wasn't going to push matters but that was huge. Was everyone growing up and doing the family thing now? Man, I was happy being single and working as an EMT. I couldn't even think of a family now. But maybe Em was right, maybe if I found the right girl.
"So you should steal Jasper's truck."
I stopped running, my heart giving a painful thump at the sudden halt.
"What?" I laughed, shaking my head and picking up a slow jog to keep my heart happy. Emmett slowed to match my stride so we could continue talking.
He grinned.
"He's completely OCD about that thing." he explained. "He's been driving me crazy."
"You were already crazy." I pointed out. Who else suggested you steal a vehicle because the owner was being annoying?
He ignored me.
"I don't mean steal it." He defended. "Just move it around the corner or something and watch him have a panic attack."
I chuckled, imagining the scene. That would be funny. Besides, I owed him for telling my last girlfriend I had an unidentifiable rash.
"I don't know, man." I hesitated. My whole family was crazy about their cars, myself included. Messing with Jasper's truck could be dangerous.
"I dare you."
I looked at Emmett, narrowing my eyes.
He met my gaze, almost running into a tree which made me laugh.
"I dare you." he repeated. "I double dog dare you to move Jasper's truck."
The third grader in me knew now that I had to do it.
I could not believe this was the truck Jasper was OCD about. I couldn't even believe this was something my cousin had picked out in the first place. If it wasn't parked in front of what I knew was his house I would have thought it was some scrap metal someone had abandoned there.
"Interesting." I muttered. Jasper had left the keys in the truck- that wasn't like him. He was also listening to Debussy I realized when I started the vehicle and the first few bars drifted around the cab. That was... odd. He always made fun of me for listening to this. I was never going to let him live this down- after all the crap he gave me!
I drove around the corner, surprised when it actually made it down the street and parked, turning the music up a little and waiting for the freak out.
My eyes snapped open and my head whipped up from the head rest when something started beeping from the glove compartment.
He had the truck rigged didn't he?
A small silver cell phone was beeping when I opened the glove compartment.
Missed call.
But that wasn't what held my attention. There was a picture on the front of the phone of three girls, at a party or club or something it looked like. I recognized Alice from the handful of times I'd seen her. She was smiling widely, her arm wrapped around the most beautiful brunet I'd ever seen. There was another girl smiling next to them but I didn't really see her.
I answered without really thinking when the phone rang again, almost in a daze.
"Hello?" I wasn't even really paying attention. Jasper's fiancee must know this woman; I'd probably even heard about her before. I must get them to introduce us.
"You a-hole!" Someone yelled.
I blinked out of my daze, actually pulling the phone away and looking at the screen before raising it back to my ear. That was not my cousin.
"Pardon me?"
"You stole my truck! What the hell are you thinking?" she fumed.
Who was this? And why were they screeching at me in a pitch feared by dogs everywhere? Seriously, it sounded like a whistle going off or something. I thought about telling her this but then something clicked. Did she just say...
"Your truck?" I asked, cringing. That just figures. I knew Jasper wouldn't buy this thing.
The enraged woman huffed.
"Yes!" she snapped. "My truck. You know, the one that you stole."
"Huh." I said, holding back a chuckle. Wasn't this just my luck? Man, I was going to have to tell the guys about this one. They were never going to believe it.
I didn't notice I was laughing until the woman whispered the fact to someone in the background, sounding more pissed off than she had before.
"What the hell is so funny?" she demanded.
My laughter stopped short.
"Nothing." I grinned, leaning back against the seat. This girl needed anger management bad!
"So... Debussy?" I added. "I'm impressed."
"What?" She asked, sounding stumped.
I chuckled.
"Debussy." I repeated. "It's what's in your CD player right now. It's one of my favorites."
And then the flood gates of hell opened.
"Stop listening to my music, get off my phone, and bring back my truck!" she was back to screeching. "Now! And what makes you think I care if you're impressed?"
"Fair enough." I chuckled. I guess I could see it from their point of view. But is all this yelling really necessary? She sounded like an angry little kitten. "Under the circumstances."
Maybe if I explained the situation she wouldn't be so angry.
"Would it make you feel any better if I told you I didn't mean to steal your truck?" I started, hopeful.
She snorted, a cynical laugh cutting across the air waves.
"I thought I was pranging my cousin." I explained. "I knew he had just bought a new truck and a friend of mine dared me to move it."
"Do you do everything you're dared to do?" She countered.
I blinked.
Of course I did. I wasn't going to be called a chicken!
"So," I continued when she made no comment. "it's all a simple misunderstanding. But I am terribly sorry."
I skipped to a different track on the cd idly while I talked, finding one that I liked.
"Forgive me?" I finished, thinking it was pretty much behind us already. I'd bring the truck back. I hadn't meant to take hers in the first place. There's no reason to start another world war over it.
"No!" she snapped. "And stop touching my stereo!"
I frowned. Well, clearly we didn't see eye to eye on that. A world war was what she hoped for it seemed.
"You have quite the temper don't you, Ms..." I trailed off, frowning. I couldn't exactly say, Ms. Beautiful Woman from the picture.
God, if you're listening please let this be the brunet from the picture. Yes, she clearly hates me at the moment but I can work with that.
"Uhm... I apologize." I said, polite. "But I don't think I've had the pleasure. What's your name miss?"
"I'm not giving you my name!" she snapped immediately.
Did I really sound like a serial killer or something over the phone? Oh well, I'd get to meet her soon when I returned the truck and we'd laugh about this one day.
"Fine," I dismissed. "I'll just call you Beautiful."
I grinned to myself but it fell from my face as said beautiful woman snorted.
"Does that ever actually work for you?" she asked, sounding unmoved in anyway except maybe to hate me more.
It did work actually. I was dumbfounded. Usually it worked pretty damn good as a matter of fact.
"Beautiful is not a name." she continued, her voice that of ice. "It's a description."
I quirked one eyebrow. Ms. Yells-Alot was very interesting undead. Was it possible I had just found a woman who looked good and could hold her own? I hear wedding bells.
"Awe." I smirked. "Beautiful is also a term of endearment. I could call you my love if you'd rather."
I grinned to myself, waiting for the inevitable. Her rants were rather amusing and I was looking forward to what she had planned to say to this one. It was so fun getting under her skin. I couldn't help but think it was going to be even more fun when I could see the little sneers she would send my way.
"You've never even seen me you arrogant little pr-"
"I have seen you." I interrupted.
She stopped short and I held back a chuckle. Very entertaining. I wonder what face she's making now?
"Well at least I'm assuming I have." I corrected.
"You know what they say about people who assume." she countered. "They make an ass out of you and me."
I laughed. This girl had fire!
"I do believe I've heard that somewhere." I agreed. "Regardless there is a charming photo on your cell phone of three very lovely ladies."
"You don't even know which one I am." She sniffed.
I grinned as I did a victory dance in my seat.
"Oh. So you are in the picture."
She didn't say anything and my smile grew. Little miss something to say to everything was quite?
"You're right. I don't know which one you are." I allowed, my mood faltering a bit by this fact. "But they are all very beautiful so the name works regardless."
Please be the brunet, I chanted in my mind. Please be the feisty brunet with the fire in her veins and the love for Debussy.
She scoffed.
"But," I continued. "I must admit I'm hoping you're the brunette."
"Well," she snapped. "Tough luck, buddy! I'm-"
Her sentence cut off and I frowned when I realized I was holding my breath. I didn't really matter which she was did it? Get it together, Cullen! You're just having some fun messing with the girl.
"You're what?" I prompted.
"I'm calling the police." She said, sounding resolved.
I winced. Crap.
"Is that really necessary?" I asked. What is with this girl? Yes, she thought she'd had her truck stolen but she now knew it was just a misunderstanding and of course I'd bring the thing back.
"Yes." She clipped furiously. "I do think it's necessary to report my stolen truck."
I rolled my eyes. Hadn't we gone over this?
"It's more like a borrowed truck." I corrected. She wasn't really going to call the police was she? I would kill Emmett if I ended up going to jail over this.
"Borrowed involves asking permission to use said vehicle."
I scoffed. She sounded like a dictionary.
"You are very into technicalities." I said. "I'll have it back as soon as I can."
"How soon would that be?" she asked.
I quirked one eyebrow, an evil smile pulling one side of my lips into a smirk.
"Oh, I don't know." I replied easily, sounding bored.
"If it's not back in ten minutes I'm calling the police." She threatened.
I looked in the rear view mirror. I could almost see Jasper and Alice's house from here. I had plenty of time.
"How about half an hour?" I tried, biting my lip against a chuckle when she actually growled.
"This is not up for debate." She snapped. "Ten minutes."
"How about twenty?" I pushed.
"I'm calling now." She informed me angrily.
I let my laughter slip out.
"Okay, okay." I relented, chuckling. "I'm right around the corner. I'll be there in three minutes."
"If you were right around the corner why did you try to barter for more time?" she demanded, sounding exasperated.
Because I loved hearing the fire in her tone. It was hot.
I shook my head, grinning as I put the truck in reverse and nudged the volume on the stereo up.
"Because you're so easy to rile up. It's kind of fun." I said truthfully. "See you soon, Beautiful."
I hung up before she had time to respond and drove the rest of the way to Jasper's house in a rush.
This was written for cassii25 as a thank you for the beautiful banners she made me. Thanks again, girl!
"Can you believe Jasper's getting married?" I asked. It boggled my mind that any of us were old enough to get married. Wasn't it yesterday that we were getting in trouble because we broke Aunt Esme's window? Actually the neighbor girl broke the window in retribution for sticking a frog down the back of her shirt but Esme didn't see the injustice of it all.
Emmett shrugged.
"I'm surprised it took him this long to ask her." he admitted. "You should see him when he's around her. He's a total wuss around the pixie, man."
I laughed.
"You can't say anything." I reminded him. "You're married too."
He grinned.
"And my Rosie is awesome." he notified me for the third time that morning. I rolled my eyes but I wasn't upset. I was happy for them both. Rose and Alice sounded pretty cool, even if they did have my boys by the balls.
"So, when are you getting married, Eddie?"
I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.
"I haven't really thought about it." I said honestly. Out of all the girls that I had dated I hadn't found one that I would purposefully tie myself to for the rest of my life.
He shrugged.
"You will when you find the right girl." he promised.
I chuckled.
"Is Emmett McCarty going doctor Phil on me now?" I joked.
He shot me a look, not appreciating the humor in the situation obviously. But believe me, it was funny. Emmett was not deep, by any stretch of the imagination. I met Emmett for the first time when I visited Jasper in college. I was hoping to meet some of these girls they'd been talking about but they were bummed because they had met new girls since talking to me last and they were visiting their parents over holiday. They swore they were "the ones." I had mocked them of course but I guess they were right because Emmett had married Rose as soon as he could possibly get the ring on her finger and my cousin was marrying the other in about a month. They hadn't been any fun that weekend and I hadn't met any hot college girls. But I didn't hold it against them and Emmett and I kept in touch since then off and on. He was a fun guy when he wasn't moping about his woman leaving him for the weekend.
"So what else has been going on?" I asked, pushing the sleeves of my sweatshirt up as we jogged.
He huffed, his breath visible in the air as he tugged his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face.
"Nothing really." he shrugged. "Rosie's been bugging me about having a baby nonstop and Jasper got a new truck."
I quirked an eyebrow.
"Nothing much?" I quoted with a note of disbelief. "Jasper got a new truck? That's awesome!"
I used all the enthusiasm I could and then I let my face fall into shock, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Are you trying?" I asked.
"Trying?" He questioned, sounding too innocent.
I shot him a look.
"For a kid."
He watched his feet as they marked a steady pace across the trail.
"I don't know." he said finally. "I guess a kid would be cool but not right now."
He didn't want to talk about it so I wasn't going to push matters but that was huge. Was everyone growing up and doing the family thing now? Man, I was happy being single and working as an EMT. I couldn't even think of a family now. But maybe Em was right, maybe if I found the right girl.
"So you should steal Jasper's truck."
I stopped running, my heart giving a painful thump at the sudden halt.
"What?" I laughed, shaking my head and picking up a slow jog to keep my heart happy. Emmett slowed to match my stride so we could continue talking.
He grinned.
"He's completely OCD about that thing." he explained. "He's been driving me crazy."
"You were already crazy." I pointed out. Who else suggested you steal a vehicle because the owner was being annoying?
He ignored me.
"I don't mean steal it." He defended. "Just move it around the corner or something and watch him have a panic attack."
I chuckled, imagining the scene. That would be funny. Besides, I owed him for telling my last girlfriend I had an unidentifiable rash.
"I don't know, man." I hesitated. My whole family was crazy about their cars, myself included. Messing with Jasper's truck could be dangerous.
"I dare you."
I looked at Emmett, narrowing my eyes.
He met my gaze, almost running into a tree which made me laugh.
"I dare you." he repeated. "I double dog dare you to move Jasper's truck."
The third grader in me knew now that I had to do it.
I could not believe this was the truck Jasper was OCD about. I couldn't even believe this was something my cousin had picked out in the first place. If it wasn't parked in front of what I knew was his house I would have thought it was some scrap metal someone had abandoned there.
"Interesting." I muttered. Jasper had left the keys in the truck- that wasn't like him. He was also listening to Debussy I realized when I started the vehicle and the first few bars drifted around the cab. That was... odd. He always made fun of me for listening to this. I was never going to let him live this down- after all the crap he gave me!
I drove around the corner, surprised when it actually made it down the street and parked, turning the music up a little and waiting for the freak out.
My eyes snapped open and my head whipped up from the head rest when something started beeping from the glove compartment.
He had the truck rigged didn't he?
A small silver cell phone was beeping when I opened the glove compartment.
Missed call.
But that wasn't what held my attention. There was a picture on the front of the phone of three girls, at a party or club or something it looked like. I recognized Alice from the handful of times I'd seen her. She was smiling widely, her arm wrapped around the most beautiful brunet I'd ever seen. There was another girl smiling next to them but I didn't really see her.
I answered without really thinking when the phone rang again, almost in a daze.
"Hello?" I wasn't even really paying attention. Jasper's fiancee must know this woman; I'd probably even heard about her before. I must get them to introduce us.
"You a-hole!" Someone yelled.
I blinked out of my daze, actually pulling the phone away and looking at the screen before raising it back to my ear. That was not my cousin.
"Pardon me?"
"You stole my truck! What the hell are you thinking?" she fumed.
Who was this? And why were they screeching at me in a pitch feared by dogs everywhere? Seriously, it sounded like a whistle going off or something. I thought about telling her this but then something clicked. Did she just say...
"Your truck?" I asked, cringing. That just figures. I knew Jasper wouldn't buy this thing.
The enraged woman huffed.
"Yes!" she snapped. "My truck. You know, the one that you stole."
"Huh." I said, holding back a chuckle. Wasn't this just my luck? Man, I was going to have to tell the guys about this one. They were never going to believe it.
I didn't notice I was laughing until the woman whispered the fact to someone in the background, sounding more pissed off than she had before.
"What the hell is so funny?" she demanded.
My laughter stopped short.
"Nothing." I grinned, leaning back against the seat. This girl needed anger management bad!
"So... Debussy?" I added. "I'm impressed."
"What?" She asked, sounding stumped.
I chuckled.
"Debussy." I repeated. "It's what's in your CD player right now. It's one of my favorites."
And then the flood gates of hell opened.
"Stop listening to my music, get off my phone, and bring back my truck!" she was back to screeching. "Now! And what makes you think I care if you're impressed?"
"Fair enough." I chuckled. I guess I could see it from their point of view. But is all this yelling really necessary? She sounded like an angry little kitten. "Under the circumstances."
Maybe if I explained the situation she wouldn't be so angry.
"Would it make you feel any better if I told you I didn't mean to steal your truck?" I started, hopeful.
She snorted, a cynical laugh cutting across the air waves.
"I thought I was pranging my cousin." I explained. "I knew he had just bought a new truck and a friend of mine dared me to move it."
"Do you do everything you're dared to do?" She countered.
I blinked.
Of course I did. I wasn't going to be called a chicken!
"So," I continued when she made no comment. "it's all a simple misunderstanding. But I am terribly sorry."
I skipped to a different track on the cd idly while I talked, finding one that I liked.
"Forgive me?" I finished, thinking it was pretty much behind us already. I'd bring the truck back. I hadn't meant to take hers in the first place. There's no reason to start another world war over it.
"No!" she snapped. "And stop touching my stereo!"
I frowned. Well, clearly we didn't see eye to eye on that. A world war was what she hoped for it seemed.
"You have quite the temper don't you, Ms..." I trailed off, frowning. I couldn't exactly say, Ms. Beautiful Woman from the picture.
God, if you're listening please let this be the brunet from the picture. Yes, she clearly hates me at the moment but I can work with that.
"Uhm... I apologize." I said, polite. "But I don't think I've had the pleasure. What's your name miss?"
"I'm not giving you my name!" she snapped immediately.
Did I really sound like a serial killer or something over the phone? Oh well, I'd get to meet her soon when I returned the truck and we'd laugh about this one day.
"Fine," I dismissed. "I'll just call you Beautiful."
I grinned to myself but it fell from my face as said beautiful woman snorted.
"Does that ever actually work for you?" she asked, sounding unmoved in anyway except maybe to hate me more.
It did work actually. I was dumbfounded. Usually it worked pretty damn good as a matter of fact.
"Beautiful is not a name." she continued, her voice that of ice. "It's a description."
I quirked one eyebrow. Ms. Yells-Alot was very interesting undead. Was it possible I had just found a woman who looked good and could hold her own? I hear wedding bells.
"Awe." I smirked. "Beautiful is also a term of endearment. I could call you my love if you'd rather."
I grinned to myself, waiting for the inevitable. Her rants were rather amusing and I was looking forward to what she had planned to say to this one. It was so fun getting under her skin. I couldn't help but think it was going to be even more fun when I could see the little sneers she would send my way.
"You've never even seen me you arrogant little pr-"
"I have seen you." I interrupted.
She stopped short and I held back a chuckle. Very entertaining. I wonder what face she's making now?
"Well at least I'm assuming I have." I corrected.
"You know what they say about people who assume." she countered. "They make an ass out of you and me."
I laughed. This girl had fire!
"I do believe I've heard that somewhere." I agreed. "Regardless there is a charming photo on your cell phone of three very lovely ladies."
"You don't even know which one I am." She sniffed.
I grinned as I did a victory dance in my seat.
"Oh. So you are in the picture."
She didn't say anything and my smile grew. Little miss something to say to everything was quite?
"You're right. I don't know which one you are." I allowed, my mood faltering a bit by this fact. "But they are all very beautiful so the name works regardless."
Please be the brunet, I chanted in my mind. Please be the feisty brunet with the fire in her veins and the love for Debussy.
She scoffed.
"But," I continued. "I must admit I'm hoping you're the brunette."
"Well," she snapped. "Tough luck, buddy! I'm-"
Her sentence cut off and I frowned when I realized I was holding my breath. I didn't really matter which she was did it? Get it together, Cullen! You're just having some fun messing with the girl.
"You're what?" I prompted.
"I'm calling the police." She said, sounding resolved.
I winced. Crap.
"Is that really necessary?" I asked. What is with this girl? Yes, she thought she'd had her truck stolen but she now knew it was just a misunderstanding and of course I'd bring the thing back.
"Yes." She clipped furiously. "I do think it's necessary to report my stolen truck."
I rolled my eyes. Hadn't we gone over this?
"It's more like a borrowed truck." I corrected. She wasn't really going to call the police was she? I would kill Emmett if I ended up going to jail over this.
"Borrowed involves asking permission to use said vehicle."
I scoffed. She sounded like a dictionary.
"You are very into technicalities." I said. "I'll have it back as soon as I can."
"How soon would that be?" she asked.
I quirked one eyebrow, an evil smile pulling one side of my lips into a smirk.
"Oh, I don't know." I replied easily, sounding bored.
"If it's not back in ten minutes I'm calling the police." She threatened.
I looked in the rear view mirror. I could almost see Jasper and Alice's house from here. I had plenty of time.
"How about half an hour?" I tried, biting my lip against a chuckle when she actually growled.
"This is not up for debate." She snapped. "Ten minutes."
"How about twenty?" I pushed.
"I'm calling now." She informed me angrily.
I let my laughter slip out.
"Okay, okay." I relented, chuckling. "I'm right around the corner. I'll be there in three minutes."
"If you were right around the corner why did you try to barter for more time?" she demanded, sounding exasperated.
Because I loved hearing the fire in her tone. It was hot.
I shook my head, grinning as I put the truck in reverse and nudged the volume on the stereo up.
"Because you're so easy to rile up. It's kind of fun." I said truthfully. "See you soon, Beautiful."
I hung up before she had time to respond and drove the rest of the way to Jasper's house in a rush.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Edward Sr. POV of chapter#12
DISCLAIMER: The plot belongs to me but all things Twilight belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer
Edward Seniors point of view in chapter#12
"Hello?" A perky voice answered.
I pulled the phone from my ear, glancing at the screen. I'm not as young as I used to be but I'm positive I'd dialed my son's number.
"Hello, ma'am." I greeted awkwardly. "Either I have the wrong number or you have my son's phone."
Elizabeth was not going to be happy about this. Whoever this was felt comfortable enough with Edward to answer his phone. More importantly he felt comfortable enough to let her answer it and we hadn't heard about her yet.
"That depends." She chuckled. "Are you looking for Edward Cullen?"
I loosened my tie around my neck, sitting down in one of our plush recliners. I could tell this was going to be a long albeit interesting conversation. I should have called Edward about what to bring to my nephews wedding a lot sooner. Lord knows my wife wishes I had. All week long she'd been fretting about it. We'd met Jasper's fiance only twice- not enough to know her tastes and my wife wanted to get the perfect wedding gift.
"Yes." I answered. "I am."
"Well then, I guess it's nice to meet you, Mr. Cullen."
Why hadn't we met this young woman before? She seemed nice, polite as far as I could tell. Was she his girlfriend? Surely we would have met her if they were serious.
"Thank you." I said thoughtfully. Is this why he'd wanted to visit Forks so early before the wedding? I'd thought he just wanted a vacation. "May I ask who this is?"
"I'm Bella Swan." She introduced herself. That name sounded so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Maybe Jasper had told us about her.
"I'm Edward's friend from Forks." She explained. "He left his phone at the coffee shop the other day and I was keeping it safe for him."
Her voice shown with playfulness and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Oh really?" I grinned. "Am I assuming correctly that my son doesn't know you're 'keeping it safe?'"
She snickered and my grin grew. My son had definitely met his match in this young woman, whoever she was.
"He knows." she practically sang. "He found out about two seconds ago when you called."
I've been a doctor for thirty-two years. I helped raise Edward. I grew up with Carlisle. Not a lot surprised me these days but hit me with a wet fish if I didn't laugh harder than I had in months.
"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Bella." I said truthfully, wiping tears from my eyes. "Anyone that can put up with my son's shenanigans is fine in my book. Anyone that can best him is better."
"So, did Edward tell you that he stole my truck?" she asked excitedly.
Everything clicked. Jasper may have said something here and there about Bella but that's not what had drilled that name into my head. My hour long phone conversation where in which my son babbled endlessly about the beautiful young woman who couldn't stand him had done that.
Elizabeth had been horrified when she'd found out Edward had almost been arrested over a prank. Jasper assured her Bella would never really call the police. And he had almost sounded sure of it. Elizabeth conference called them to lecture about the difference between pulling a prank when you're twelve and when you're a full fledged adult. I don't think they were even fully convinced about the adult thing.
I guess the feisty Bella Swan had changed her mind about hating him after all. Either that or my son's persistence had gotten to her.
"You're the one he's always talking about."
"Hi, Dad." Edward's voice abruptly greeted me.
I chuckled.
"Decided we'd chatted enough, huh son?" I teased. "You were right though; she's not going to take any of your monkey business. At least not without retribution."
"Yeah, she thinks she's pretty clever too."
"Quite entertaining friend you've acquired." I approved. "I hope we'll get to meet her at Jasper's wedding."
"She told you we were friends, did she?"
I grinned, amused. He wasn't even talking to me any more. Not really. It seems I had called during a battle of sorts.
"I don't know what to tell you, Dad." he continued. "I think she's in love with me."
I shook my head.
"Stop teasing the girl." I admonished. Although from what I'd witnessed she could more than take care of herself.
He laughed.
"Oh, we're making her blush."
"I hope you're treating this young woman with respect, Edward." I said, not truly worrying. His mother and I had raised him right. "She seems like a good match for you."
I paused.
"Are you serious about her?" I asked, truly curious. Edward never really told us about woman in his life, not even ones he was seeing. Well he told Elizabeth I suppose but he'd never spoken so animatedly of anyone before. So I'm assuming he was.
"I am." he said, all laughter gone from his voice.
I smiled. I knew that tone. I had used it when I met Elizabeth. My brother sounded the same when talking about Esme. And I caught it in Jasper's voice the few times I had asked about his fiance, Alice. If I didn't know any better I'd say my son was smitten.
"Your mother is going to be begging to be the first born's name sake if you use that tone with her." I chuckled.
It only seemed fair to let Bella see him blush now after all.
"Okay. Bey." he rushed.
Before I could say anything else the phone clicked and there was nothing but dial tone.
I laughed, shutting my own phone. It looks like I'd have to ask about Jasper's wedding later but that's okay. As soon as I told Elizabeth about this she'd have him back on the phone in no time.
Edward Seniors point of view in chapter#12
"Hello?" A perky voice answered.
I pulled the phone from my ear, glancing at the screen. I'm not as young as I used to be but I'm positive I'd dialed my son's number.
"Hello, ma'am." I greeted awkwardly. "Either I have the wrong number or you have my son's phone."
Elizabeth was not going to be happy about this. Whoever this was felt comfortable enough with Edward to answer his phone. More importantly he felt comfortable enough to let her answer it and we hadn't heard about her yet.
"That depends." She chuckled. "Are you looking for Edward Cullen?"
I loosened my tie around my neck, sitting down in one of our plush recliners. I could tell this was going to be a long albeit interesting conversation. I should have called Edward about what to bring to my nephews wedding a lot sooner. Lord knows my wife wishes I had. All week long she'd been fretting about it. We'd met Jasper's fiance only twice- not enough to know her tastes and my wife wanted to get the perfect wedding gift.
"Yes." I answered. "I am."
"Well then, I guess it's nice to meet you, Mr. Cullen."
Why hadn't we met this young woman before? She seemed nice, polite as far as I could tell. Was she his girlfriend? Surely we would have met her if they were serious.
"Thank you." I said thoughtfully. Is this why he'd wanted to visit Forks so early before the wedding? I'd thought he just wanted a vacation. "May I ask who this is?"
"I'm Bella Swan." She introduced herself. That name sounded so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Maybe Jasper had told us about her.
"I'm Edward's friend from Forks." She explained. "He left his phone at the coffee shop the other day and I was keeping it safe for him."
Her voice shown with playfulness and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Oh really?" I grinned. "Am I assuming correctly that my son doesn't know you're 'keeping it safe?'"
She snickered and my grin grew. My son had definitely met his match in this young woman, whoever she was.
"He knows." she practically sang. "He found out about two seconds ago when you called."
I've been a doctor for thirty-two years. I helped raise Edward. I grew up with Carlisle. Not a lot surprised me these days but hit me with a wet fish if I didn't laugh harder than I had in months.
"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Bella." I said truthfully, wiping tears from my eyes. "Anyone that can put up with my son's shenanigans is fine in my book. Anyone that can best him is better."
"So, did Edward tell you that he stole my truck?" she asked excitedly.
Everything clicked. Jasper may have said something here and there about Bella but that's not what had drilled that name into my head. My hour long phone conversation where in which my son babbled endlessly about the beautiful young woman who couldn't stand him had done that.
Elizabeth had been horrified when she'd found out Edward had almost been arrested over a prank. Jasper assured her Bella would never really call the police. And he had almost sounded sure of it. Elizabeth conference called them to lecture about the difference between pulling a prank when you're twelve and when you're a full fledged adult. I don't think they were even fully convinced about the adult thing.
I guess the feisty Bella Swan had changed her mind about hating him after all. Either that or my son's persistence had gotten to her.
"You're the one he's always talking about."
"Hi, Dad." Edward's voice abruptly greeted me.
I chuckled.
"Decided we'd chatted enough, huh son?" I teased. "You were right though; she's not going to take any of your monkey business. At least not without retribution."
"Yeah, she thinks she's pretty clever too."
"Quite entertaining friend you've acquired." I approved. "I hope we'll get to meet her at Jasper's wedding."
"She told you we were friends, did she?"
I grinned, amused. He wasn't even talking to me any more. Not really. It seems I had called during a battle of sorts.
"I don't know what to tell you, Dad." he continued. "I think she's in love with me."
I shook my head.
"Stop teasing the girl." I admonished. Although from what I'd witnessed she could more than take care of herself.
He laughed.
"Oh, we're making her blush."
"I hope you're treating this young woman with respect, Edward." I said, not truly worrying. His mother and I had raised him right. "She seems like a good match for you."
I paused.
"Are you serious about her?" I asked, truly curious. Edward never really told us about woman in his life, not even ones he was seeing. Well he told Elizabeth I suppose but he'd never spoken so animatedly of anyone before. So I'm assuming he was.
"I am." he said, all laughter gone from his voice.
I smiled. I knew that tone. I had used it when I met Elizabeth. My brother sounded the same when talking about Esme. And I caught it in Jasper's voice the few times I had asked about his fiance, Alice. If I didn't know any better I'd say my son was smitten.
"Your mother is going to be begging to be the first born's name sake if you use that tone with her." I chuckled.
It only seemed fair to let Bella see him blush now after all.
"Okay. Bey." he rushed.
Before I could say anything else the phone clicked and there was nothing but dial tone.
I laughed, shutting my own phone. It looks like I'd have to ask about Jasper's wedding later but that's okay. As soon as I told Elizabeth about this she'd have him back on the phone in no time.
JPOV of Chapter#11
DISCLAIMER: The plot belongs to me but all things Twilight belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer
This is something I wrote for those who recommended my story to others. They have all read it and now I'm posting it here too. I hope you like it
I loved my Alice. I loved her more than words could ever explain. But she was talking about the wedding again. Again. It's not that I don't want to discuss the wedding. I just didn't want to discuss the specific shade of the ribbon that would be wrapped around her bouquet for an entire afternoon...
I sighed.
"I'm going to call my cousin." I said, stretching. He'd been gone all morning- said he needed to get some errands done. In reality he was leaving me alone with all the wedding madness. What errands did he have? He was on vacation. "He's probably losing his mind without work."
Alice pouted.
"But we were talking about the wedding."
I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
"I know, darlin'." I said, letting the accent that she loved so much come out a little thicker. "But I trust your judgment 110%. You have such an eye for these things."
She knew what I was doing. Of course she did- she was Alice. But she let me butter her up all the same. I let me lips linger on her black spiky hair.
"I feel kind of guilty about neglecting my cousin." I continued. And I really would but he wasn't too upset. It gave him more time to fawn over our little Bella in peace. "It's the first time he's visited Forks you know."
She sighed.
"Fine." She allowed. "Go play with the boys. I'll call Rose and have her help me pick it out. Then we'll go over it when you get home."
I nodded readily.
"Thank you, darlin'." I drawled, turning her around and kissing her soft lips. "I love you."
I used to have balls. It seems my soon to be little wifey had taken them when I was sleeping or something. It really should bother me more than it does.
"I love you too." She breathed, griping my shoulders and then pushing me playfully away.
"Mention Bella when you talk to him, would you?" She asked, already distracted again with wedding details.
I froze, my phone half out of my pocket.
"Why would I do that?" I asked.
She shrugged.
She refused to meet me eyes. Oh no. I knew that look. She was planning something.
"Didn't we agree not to push them?" I demanded.
She shot me a look.
"I'm not pushing." She insisted.
I raised one eyebrow, staring down my lovely fiance- who just so happened to be shooting me daggers. She was so beautiful when she was angry.
"So why am I mentioning Bella?" I asked again.
"I'm not pushing." She repeated firmly. "I'm aiding them. I'm helping them to the conclusion they will eventually reach by themselves anyway."
I scoffed. Aiding them? Isn't that punishable by law? Aiding and abetting.
"If they're going to be together anyway why are we interfering?"
"Helping." She corrected me. "Because they're moving too dang slow! Bella is being so stubborn."
"Bella is always stubborn, my dear." I chuckled.
She cracked a smile, rolling her eyes and turning back to her wedding portfolio.
"I'll see if it comes up." I met her half way.
She sighed.
"Fine." She relented. "But you need to make sure they end up together." She added stubbornly.
Bella wasn't the only guilty one.
I smirked.
"How am I supposed to do that?"
She huffed, shooting me a look over her shoulder- a short black lock of hair falling onto her forehead.
"He's your cousin."
I shook my head. Since when does Edward listen to anyone? Once he's made a decision he's going to stick with it no matter what you say. Me being family wasn't going to change that.
"I don't think the problem lays with Edward." I reminded her. Edward was enamored with Bella. That was obvious. Although stealing Bella's truck probably wasn't the right way to start off a stable relationship.
"But I will try." I promised, brushing the lock of hair off of her forehead and kissing the pale stretch of soft skin.
"Hey, Jasper."
I frowned, looking at my phone. I knew that voice. He was extremely proud of himself. Was running errands that fulfilling?
"Hey, man." I greeted, watching Alice through the window from where I sat on the back porch.
She was talking to herself, no doubt under her breath as she always did when she was in full out planning mood. I chuckled as I watched her beautiful lithe frame dance around our living room as she pinned designs here and waltzed over to her portfolio to rethink something for the thousandth time. Bella was going to kill her if she changed her mind on something she had already filled away under resolved.
Speaking of Bella... I really needed to think of a way to bring her up. Although I don't know what I was going to say. 'Hey, cuz. You know how you're drooling over Bella every second of every day but she pretends not to like you? Well could you try harder? It'd really make Alice happy.'
"I think I talked to you more when you lived states away." I said. "And thanks for running out this morning when Alice pulled out the wedding planning book, Eddie." I added, knowing how much he hated the childhood nickname.
He chuckled.
"Just a second, Jasper." He said, easily avoiding my accusation. "Bella's waving her hands around like she's trying to land a Boeing 447."
I frowned.
Bella? He was with Bella? I thought he was running errands. Is that where he had disappeared to yesterday too?
That was... odd.
"Bella?" I asked. "Why are you with Bella?"
He didn't reply to me although I could hear his muffled voice addressing someone else, presumably Bella.
"Are you two plotting evil again?" I accused. "Because I really don't think the world can take any more of your prank partnership."
He still ignored me. There wasn't any more muffled talking either. Had he hung up on me? I actually looked at the screen for a second before pulling it back to my ear. What was going on with those two?
"Jasper, Bella wants to talk to you." He said finally.
This was not good.
"Does she look mad?" I checked. I had already tested my luck with Alice today. If Bella was mad too they would gang up on me later and I'd have to sleep with one eye open, something I had actually mastered in our college years. The girls would stay in to drink, not trusting some frat boy not to take advantage if they went out.(I'd love to have seen them try. I was a sucker with the girls. I'll admit it. But I have no problem kicking some guy's ass for them.) But after they were done with the drinking they would get bored and Alice and Rosalie had a key to mine and Emmett's dorm. A drunk Alice, Bella, and Rosalie was something to be feared by people everywhere.
"I think I'm in trouble."
I snickered. My big cousin was sounding almost scared right now. I guess it runs in the family.
My father is one of the most steal nerved people I knew but he couldn't say no to my mother if she really wanted something. Our women were definitely the only acceptable weakness among the men of the Cullen family.
Before I could say anything else to my poor cousin Bella's voice wafted over the phone lines.
"He's stalking me."
I laughed. She was getting defensive before I'd even said anything? Interesting.
"And that makes you the innocent, victim-like, stalkee does it?" I asked, amused. Bella as a victim? It just made me laugh harder. We all knew she could take care of herself.
"Undoubtedly." She agreed.
She must have heard something in my laughter that told her I didn't believe a thing her lying mouth was saying because she sighed.
"Don't tell Alice." She pleaded.
I continued to laugh. She sounded so desperate. At least I wasn't the only one that feared an angry Alice.
"Why would I keep something from my Alice?" I asked. We didn't have secrets. She knew that.
"Because she'd torture me until the day I die?" She supplied.
I nodded. It was true. I wouldn't say she 'tortured' per se but she definitely would take this information and run with it. Especially since she was already trying to 'help them along.' If she knew they were together now and probably last night too(I was not thinking about it. Not thinking about it...) she would stop planning our wedding and start with theirs.
"Because I'd owe for life?" She tried again.
I smirked.
"Hmm." I pretended to think. "That's a very tempting offer."
I was thinking the next time Alice wanted to go on a day trip to Seattle to shop Bella could stop pretending to be sick so I didn't get drug along. That would be nice. She always chooses super bowl weekend for some reason. She says the stores are less crowded. I am not missing the next game. I'm not.
"But then again," I came to my senses. "Alice has the power to make my life hell too, Bells. And if she finds out I kept something from her..."
I shuddered.
"She won't find out?"
I don't know why she even tried.
"Bella." I admonished. "Alice knows everything."
Bella finally caved and laughed lightly before sighing.
"Can you help me out here at all?" She was begging again. She must be really desperate for Alice not to find out. Bella doesn't beg. Something about her self respect boy-cotting her? Who knew with Bella really?
"After all," she added. "I am the one who pointed you out to Alice that first day on the football field."
I rolled my eyes. Alice loved to tell this story, especially in front of groups of people we hadn't known for long.
"You were laughing at me because I fell." I reminded her dryly. It was the first day of try outs okay? I was nervous and the field was muddy because it had rained that morning. But the story will follow me to my grave because Alice calls it the first moment she knew we were supposed to be together. Luckily she had the decency to look past my failing on the field to my perfect rear. And thankfully the coach could see past my fall to my perfect spiral throw.
With the begging again? I was starting to think she was hiding something big. What were they doing?
"This is between you and my cousin." I said. I don't want to know. "I won't say anything unless she asks."
Bella squealed into the phone. This was going to come back to haunt me. I just knew it.
"Awe, Jasper." She gushed. "Thank-"
"Don't get too excited." I interrupted her. She was making it seem like I was doing some big favor for her. Nope, I didn't know anything so I had nothing to tell. It was as simple as that. Although if Alice asked me...
"I love you but if she asks I will sing like a canary."
She snickered.
"That's just fine, canary." She allowed. "But no offering her any theories."
I would not be theorizing. Nope. My cousin and the girl I saw as my sister was not something I wanted to think about.
"And you don't offer up any details." I added a condition. Then I smirked. Then again what good is a sister if you couldn't mess with her every once in a while? "If you end up preggo with any freaky haired babies I have two words for you-"
"Shut up!" She hissed.
I laughed. She was mortified. Maybe I could have some fun with this after all. If I was going to be 'helping' I might as well use my friends for my amusement- watch them squirm in awkwardness. I never claimed to be a good human being.
"The stork." I finished, feeling pretty smug. It was no easy task to make Bella uncomfortable and I could just envision her blush from here.
"I've got to go." She said smoothly. It didn't work. I could sense the embarrassment in her voice.
"Edward is looking really impatient. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable but your call kind of interrupted something I'd really like to finish."
And then the line went dead.
This is something I wrote for those who recommended my story to others. They have all read it and now I'm posting it here too. I hope you like it
I loved my Alice. I loved her more than words could ever explain. But she was talking about the wedding again. Again. It's not that I don't want to discuss the wedding. I just didn't want to discuss the specific shade of the ribbon that would be wrapped around her bouquet for an entire afternoon...
I sighed.
"I'm going to call my cousin." I said, stretching. He'd been gone all morning- said he needed to get some errands done. In reality he was leaving me alone with all the wedding madness. What errands did he have? He was on vacation. "He's probably losing his mind without work."
Alice pouted.
"But we were talking about the wedding."
I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
"I know, darlin'." I said, letting the accent that she loved so much come out a little thicker. "But I trust your judgment 110%. You have such an eye for these things."
She knew what I was doing. Of course she did- she was Alice. But she let me butter her up all the same. I let me lips linger on her black spiky hair.
"I feel kind of guilty about neglecting my cousin." I continued. And I really would but he wasn't too upset. It gave him more time to fawn over our little Bella in peace. "It's the first time he's visited Forks you know."
She sighed.
"Fine." She allowed. "Go play with the boys. I'll call Rose and have her help me pick it out. Then we'll go over it when you get home."
I nodded readily.
"Thank you, darlin'." I drawled, turning her around and kissing her soft lips. "I love you."
I used to have balls. It seems my soon to be little wifey had taken them when I was sleeping or something. It really should bother me more than it does.
"I love you too." She breathed, griping my shoulders and then pushing me playfully away.
"Mention Bella when you talk to him, would you?" She asked, already distracted again with wedding details.
I froze, my phone half out of my pocket.
"Why would I do that?" I asked.
She shrugged.
She refused to meet me eyes. Oh no. I knew that look. She was planning something.
"Didn't we agree not to push them?" I demanded.
She shot me a look.
"I'm not pushing." She insisted.
I raised one eyebrow, staring down my lovely fiance- who just so happened to be shooting me daggers. She was so beautiful when she was angry.
"So why am I mentioning Bella?" I asked again.
"I'm not pushing." She repeated firmly. "I'm aiding them. I'm helping them to the conclusion they will eventually reach by themselves anyway."
I scoffed. Aiding them? Isn't that punishable by law? Aiding and abetting.
"If they're going to be together anyway why are we interfering?"
"Helping." She corrected me. "Because they're moving too dang slow! Bella is being so stubborn."
"Bella is always stubborn, my dear." I chuckled.
She cracked a smile, rolling her eyes and turning back to her wedding portfolio.
"I'll see if it comes up." I met her half way.
She sighed.
"Fine." She relented. "But you need to make sure they end up together." She added stubbornly.
Bella wasn't the only guilty one.
I smirked.
"How am I supposed to do that?"
She huffed, shooting me a look over her shoulder- a short black lock of hair falling onto her forehead.
"He's your cousin."
I shook my head. Since when does Edward listen to anyone? Once he's made a decision he's going to stick with it no matter what you say. Me being family wasn't going to change that.
"I don't think the problem lays with Edward." I reminded her. Edward was enamored with Bella. That was obvious. Although stealing Bella's truck probably wasn't the right way to start off a stable relationship.
"But I will try." I promised, brushing the lock of hair off of her forehead and kissing the pale stretch of soft skin.
"Hey, Jasper."
I frowned, looking at my phone. I knew that voice. He was extremely proud of himself. Was running errands that fulfilling?
"Hey, man." I greeted, watching Alice through the window from where I sat on the back porch.
She was talking to herself, no doubt under her breath as she always did when she was in full out planning mood. I chuckled as I watched her beautiful lithe frame dance around our living room as she pinned designs here and waltzed over to her portfolio to rethink something for the thousandth time. Bella was going to kill her if she changed her mind on something she had already filled away under resolved.
Speaking of Bella... I really needed to think of a way to bring her up. Although I don't know what I was going to say. 'Hey, cuz. You know how you're drooling over Bella every second of every day but she pretends not to like you? Well could you try harder? It'd really make Alice happy.'
"I think I talked to you more when you lived states away." I said. "And thanks for running out this morning when Alice pulled out the wedding planning book, Eddie." I added, knowing how much he hated the childhood nickname.
He chuckled.
"Just a second, Jasper." He said, easily avoiding my accusation. "Bella's waving her hands around like she's trying to land a Boeing 447."
I frowned.
Bella? He was with Bella? I thought he was running errands. Is that where he had disappeared to yesterday too?
That was... odd.
"Bella?" I asked. "Why are you with Bella?"
He didn't reply to me although I could hear his muffled voice addressing someone else, presumably Bella.
"Are you two plotting evil again?" I accused. "Because I really don't think the world can take any more of your prank partnership."
He still ignored me. There wasn't any more muffled talking either. Had he hung up on me? I actually looked at the screen for a second before pulling it back to my ear. What was going on with those two?
"Jasper, Bella wants to talk to you." He said finally.
This was not good.
"Does she look mad?" I checked. I had already tested my luck with Alice today. If Bella was mad too they would gang up on me later and I'd have to sleep with one eye open, something I had actually mastered in our college years. The girls would stay in to drink, not trusting some frat boy not to take advantage if they went out.(I'd love to have seen them try. I was a sucker with the girls. I'll admit it. But I have no problem kicking some guy's ass for them.) But after they were done with the drinking they would get bored and Alice and Rosalie had a key to mine and Emmett's dorm. A drunk Alice, Bella, and Rosalie was something to be feared by people everywhere.
"I think I'm in trouble."
I snickered. My big cousin was sounding almost scared right now. I guess it runs in the family.
My father is one of the most steal nerved people I knew but he couldn't say no to my mother if she really wanted something. Our women were definitely the only acceptable weakness among the men of the Cullen family.
Before I could say anything else to my poor cousin Bella's voice wafted over the phone lines.
"He's stalking me."
I laughed. She was getting defensive before I'd even said anything? Interesting.
"And that makes you the innocent, victim-like, stalkee does it?" I asked, amused. Bella as a victim? It just made me laugh harder. We all knew she could take care of herself.
"Undoubtedly." She agreed.
She must have heard something in my laughter that told her I didn't believe a thing her lying mouth was saying because she sighed.
"Don't tell Alice." She pleaded.
I continued to laugh. She sounded so desperate. At least I wasn't the only one that feared an angry Alice.
"Why would I keep something from my Alice?" I asked. We didn't have secrets. She knew that.
"Because she'd torture me until the day I die?" She supplied.
I nodded. It was true. I wouldn't say she 'tortured' per se but she definitely would take this information and run with it. Especially since she was already trying to 'help them along.' If she knew they were together now and probably last night too(I was not thinking about it. Not thinking about it...) she would stop planning our wedding and start with theirs.
"Because I'd owe for life?" She tried again.
I smirked.
"Hmm." I pretended to think. "That's a very tempting offer."
I was thinking the next time Alice wanted to go on a day trip to Seattle to shop Bella could stop pretending to be sick so I didn't get drug along. That would be nice. She always chooses super bowl weekend for some reason. She says the stores are less crowded. I am not missing the next game. I'm not.
"But then again," I came to my senses. "Alice has the power to make my life hell too, Bells. And if she finds out I kept something from her..."
I shuddered.
"She won't find out?"
I don't know why she even tried.
"Bella." I admonished. "Alice knows everything."
Bella finally caved and laughed lightly before sighing.
"Can you help me out here at all?" She was begging again. She must be really desperate for Alice not to find out. Bella doesn't beg. Something about her self respect boy-cotting her? Who knew with Bella really?
"After all," she added. "I am the one who pointed you out to Alice that first day on the football field."
I rolled my eyes. Alice loved to tell this story, especially in front of groups of people we hadn't known for long.
"You were laughing at me because I fell." I reminded her dryly. It was the first day of try outs okay? I was nervous and the field was muddy because it had rained that morning. But the story will follow me to my grave because Alice calls it the first moment she knew we were supposed to be together. Luckily she had the decency to look past my failing on the field to my perfect rear. And thankfully the coach could see past my fall to my perfect spiral throw.
With the begging again? I was starting to think she was hiding something big. What were they doing?
"This is between you and my cousin." I said. I don't want to know. "I won't say anything unless she asks."
Bella squealed into the phone. This was going to come back to haunt me. I just knew it.
"Awe, Jasper." She gushed. "Thank-"
"Don't get too excited." I interrupted her. She was making it seem like I was doing some big favor for her. Nope, I didn't know anything so I had nothing to tell. It was as simple as that. Although if Alice asked me...
"I love you but if she asks I will sing like a canary."
She snickered.
"That's just fine, canary." She allowed. "But no offering her any theories."
I would not be theorizing. Nope. My cousin and the girl I saw as my sister was not something I wanted to think about.
"And you don't offer up any details." I added a condition. Then I smirked. Then again what good is a sister if you couldn't mess with her every once in a while? "If you end up preggo with any freaky haired babies I have two words for you-"
"Shut up!" She hissed.
I laughed. She was mortified. Maybe I could have some fun with this after all. If I was going to be 'helping' I might as well use my friends for my amusement- watch them squirm in awkwardness. I never claimed to be a good human being.
"The stork." I finished, feeling pretty smug. It was no easy task to make Bella uncomfortable and I could just envision her blush from here.
"I've got to go." She said smoothly. It didn't work. I could sense the embarrassment in her voice.
"Edward is looking really impatient. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable but your call kind of interrupted something I'd really like to finish."
And then the line went dead.
EPOV of chapter#16
DISCLAIMER: The plot belongs to me but all things Twilight belong to the lovely Stephenie Meyer.
"Whatever that is put it out of my misery." Someone grumbled.
I didn't even know what they were talking about. I was having a wonderful dream about being stranded in a strawberry patch with a certain brown haired beauty and I'd just convinced her of a very entertaining way to preserve body heat.
But there was an incessant ringing in my strawberry patch.
"Phone." I grumbled sleepily.
"Well make it stop." Someone muttered. It sounded an awful lot like my brown haired beauty. I needed to get back to her but the ringing continued and so did the ringing in my ears now that I thought of it. God, my head was pounding.
"Ssh." I hissed foolishly- as if I could silence the phone just by asking it nicely. "Sleeping."
And then miracles of miracles the ringing did stop, the phone ringing anyway. My head, unfortunately kept buzzing away.
"Hm, Bella." I mumbled, running my nose along her jawbone in my dream. I imagined her snaky little smirk as she looked at me from heavy lashes. Feisty.
"Edward?" My angel shrieked.
I blinked but the rays of light were coming in too bright. I was still hovering on the edge of sleep.
"Go back to sleep, baby." I soothed, already sinking myself into the oblivion of sleep.
"Wake up!" This time it was a shouted demand and I shot up as it was followed by a very painful smack to the head.
I was fully awake now.
"Jesus, Bella!" I grumbled as the brown eyes I had just been dreaming about stared at me.
These weren't sultry though, they were... furious. What had I done this time? I'd been sleeping!
"Not the way any guy wants their girl to wake them up."
I knew as soon as the words were out that they were not the right ones to say in this moment. She reached back to hit me with her pillow again and I snatched it quickly. Someone wasn't a morning person. I added that to my ever growing list of things I knew about this captivating woman. I thrilled with learning even the smallest of details. She was the most interesting person I knew- and the most violent.
But then something clicked.
"Wait. What are you doing over here?" I asked, not that I was complaining. But I didn't even remember finding my way into bed now that I thought about it. All I remembered was that determined glint in my girls eye as she swore she could and would out drink me. I almost scoffed. She weighed maybe 120 pounds soaking wet. There was no way she had succeeded. But if we had gotten drunk(obviously) and she crawled in with me...
I looked down quickly. I knew there was no way I would have denied this girl anything, especially if I was drunk.
"I'm over here because it's my bed." She huffed as I realized that yes, we were still dressed.
"Why are you over here?"
I frowned. That wasn't right.
"No." I said slowly, shaking my head. "You chose the bed on the left. This is my bed."
Realisation dawned on her indignant face proceeded by horror. I smirked. Now this was an interesting development.
"Well, Ms. Swan," I drawled, leaning back against the headboard. "I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or violated."
I wouldn't mind if she wanted to violate me a little more, I snickered as I thought back to my dream.
"Shut up!" She hissed, smacking my arm as if she could hear my thoughts. "We have bigger problems to deal with here."
She gulped as she looked at me and I frowned, confused. What was going on here? Bella looked... scared? I instantly felt protective.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, beginning to feel panicked. My Bella never looked scared. DB was devious and beautiful- she was never scared. At least I'd never seen it before. "Bella? What's wrong?"
She took a deep breath as if preparing and then lifted her left hand without a word. Of course I had to fall in love with not only the most gorgeous and feisty woman I'd ever met, but also the most confusing. But then something on her finer caught the sun from the window and all the air left my lungs with a single expletive.
I'd never been one for cursing. My mother, and my aunt Esme for that matter, would have washed my mouth out with soap. But it seemed strangely appropriate in this moment.
Well, I hadn't been expecting that! A ring that matched her own, a single band of silver, ran along my own ring finger and I gulped. She was going to kill me this time.
"My sentiments exactly." She nodded and I couldn't help but think she was agreeing with my thoughts more than my words.
She really was going to kill me. She had made a habit of threatening over the weeks that we'd known each other but it never really bothered me. It was more a form of endearment really. But this time she really was going to kill me.
"Tequila!" She groaned, slapping her forehead. "Ouch!"
I was about to ask if she was okay but then she was off and running through a rant that left her breathless and me dazed. I didn't even understand most of what she was saying she was speaking so quickly. I caught something about evil trolls, and Rosalie being a witch, and her getting a tattoo but I was still too stunned to crack a joke about her fairytale land vocabulary or ever ask where she was planning to get said tattoo.
"We're..." I gulped, trying to process. "Married?"
"You buffoon." She grumbled and I looked down, surprised to see her sprawled across the bed on her back, rubbing her temples as if my stupidity actually pained her. And I'm not denying the stupidity thing because clearly I was about as stupid as you can get without needing to actually be institutionalized. "I'm married to a buffoon."
Married? I hadn't really had time to think of whether I wanted to marry Bella or not in the weeks that I had known her because I had been using so much time just trying to get her to admit that she didn't hate me. But the thought had crossed my mind that I wanted her forever.
She was beautiful, and sexy, and she didn't let me get away with anything. She matched every one of my remarks or pranks with one of her own and sometimes she even beat me. I don't know why that was such a turn on but it most definitely was. I'd spent my entire life being fawned over by woman who were nothing but brainless bimbos who would agree with any little nonsensical thing I sprouted off with. I know it sounds cocky and Bella would probably make me pay for it if she'd heard me but it was true. It was more than refreshing to be able to tease someone that could take it and give it right back. She was smart, and witty, and fun. She was perfect. As soon as I'd seen her fiery glare as she demanded I give her keys back I'd been hooked.
But all I got out was, "Married?"
She growled.
"You say that one more time, Edward, and I swear to God I will strangle you with my bare hands."
See what I mean? It's an endearment really.
"Are you sure you're not just trying to get my life insurance policy, Mrs. Cullen?" I grinned, knowing that she was about to lose it.
She lunged before I had time to brace myself and we both went flying onto the bed. She pounded on me with her little fists for a while as she gave me what for. I loved a girl with fire.
"We're married." She screeched, although it didn't escape my notice that I'd just gotten in trouble for bringing this up. "Married! Do you know what this means?"
"I think so." I said slowly, her fists still flailing. "But I'm not going to say it." I formed manacles around her tiny wrists with my hands, stopping her on slot and gave her a small smile, hoping to soften her up a little bit. "I wouldn't want you to strangle me with your bare hands."
She sighed, laying her head on my chest as if she was just too tired to hold it up anymore and I stroked her hair. I had really done it this time. Because if we woke up married in Vegas I knew who had suggested it and it most definitely wasn't Bella. I can't believe I was so stupid, even if I was drunk. I had wanted to take this slow and just enjoy being with her. I had even been wearing down her resolve little by little- I could tell in the way that she welcomed my hand in hers and sent smiles my way when she thought no one was watching. I could also tell in the way that she sent that hotel receptionist glares when she thought she had been staring for too long although I'm pretty sure she was actually looking at Emmett. I wasn't going to correct her. I loved a jealous Bella and I hoped I got to see a lot more of her in the future- she was hot. But now we were married and she was going to feel rushed, she'd demand we get it annulled. I could almost see the panicked, caged animal, look in her face.
"What are we going to do?" She sighed.
She definitely sounded miserable. She didn't want to be married. Of course she didn't! What girl wants to be married to someone they've known for so little a time?
I sighed.
"Just remember when we're figuring out alimony I am a poor man."
She let out a tired chuckle and propped herself in her hands on my chest. She looked like she belonged there. I wish she'd never move.
"Aren't you going to freak out even a little?" she asked, looking genuinely curious.
"I was considering it." I admitted although it was for a different reason than she was thinking. I'd already realized I was in love with her and I wouldn't mind keeping her with me for the rest of my life but I had also realized that anything like that was going to take time with Bella. It had taken almost every waking hour for weeks to get her to agree to date me. Anything that happened this fast would surely freak her out and chase her away.
"But I decided to get you through your melt down first." I continued truthfully.
She surprised me then by kissing me softly.
"Thank you for thinking of me." She whispered. "I'm sorry I'm being such high maintenance."
"I like you anyway." I teased, grinning against her lips.
"What?" She smirked, pulling back. "No love?"
She frowned abruptly as she thought and I cringed, knowing she was probably remembering something and hoping it wasn't anything to ruin her playful mood.
"You love me!" She screeched.
I paled. How did she know that?
"What?" I choked.
She pointed at me accusingly.
"You love me." She repeated. "You love me like Alice loves Jasymine."
I frowned.
"Who is Jasmine?" I asked, hoping to distract her from the fact that yes- I did love her. She chuckled, telling me I'd mispronounced the name and I said that Jasper was going to kill him. No one messed with Alice.
"Jasper is Jazymine." she chuckled and something about that reminded me. I don't know if it's the giggly voice she used as she said the name or just someone up there decided to cut me a break but suddenly I knew what she was talking about. I remembered the muddled conversation we'd had after, yes- I'd beaten her at the drinking challenge. I smoothed my expression with the joy that I had admitted my love and that she'd said it back. Actually she'd said it first!
"Well, there's one less murder we have to worry about."
"What other murders are we worried about?" She asked. I almost laughed. She sounded suspicious as if I was going to confess to some horrible crime. I thought for half a second about fabricating some far fetched story about a brother I used to have. I warned him time and again Bella not to touch my CD collection but he just wouldn't leave it alone. What was I supposed to do?
But knowing her she'd probably think I was serious and turn me in.
"You're not going to kill me?" I asked in stead.
"Was it your idea?" She asked after thinking.
I shrugged, might as well be honest.
"I don't know." I said honestly but it didn't sound like anything she'd suggest. I mean I had gone so far as to tease her about it the other day. It had to have been my idea.
We lay there in peaceable silence for a change and I ran my fingers through her hair. I loved her.
I had already come to this conclusion a while ago, around the time she helped with my prank against Emmett actually. But it was still a stunning thought. I was holding the woman I loved in my arms and I wasn't going to let go. Somehow I would convince her not to run. I'd convince her to give us a chance and then I'd convince her that we belonged despite the arguments, and the bickering, the pro/con lists, Oliver Twist and all of our other disagreements. We belonged together.
"Whatever that is put it out of my misery." Someone grumbled.
I didn't even know what they were talking about. I was having a wonderful dream about being stranded in a strawberry patch with a certain brown haired beauty and I'd just convinced her of a very entertaining way to preserve body heat.
But there was an incessant ringing in my strawberry patch.
"Phone." I grumbled sleepily.
"Well make it stop." Someone muttered. It sounded an awful lot like my brown haired beauty. I needed to get back to her but the ringing continued and so did the ringing in my ears now that I thought of it. God, my head was pounding.
"Ssh." I hissed foolishly- as if I could silence the phone just by asking it nicely. "Sleeping."
And then miracles of miracles the ringing did stop, the phone ringing anyway. My head, unfortunately kept buzzing away.
"Hm, Bella." I mumbled, running my nose along her jawbone in my dream. I imagined her snaky little smirk as she looked at me from heavy lashes. Feisty.
"Edward?" My angel shrieked.
I blinked but the rays of light were coming in too bright. I was still hovering on the edge of sleep.
"Go back to sleep, baby." I soothed, already sinking myself into the oblivion of sleep.
"Wake up!" This time it was a shouted demand and I shot up as it was followed by a very painful smack to the head.
I was fully awake now.
"Jesus, Bella!" I grumbled as the brown eyes I had just been dreaming about stared at me.
These weren't sultry though, they were... furious. What had I done this time? I'd been sleeping!
"Not the way any guy wants their girl to wake them up."
I knew as soon as the words were out that they were not the right ones to say in this moment. She reached back to hit me with her pillow again and I snatched it quickly. Someone wasn't a morning person. I added that to my ever growing list of things I knew about this captivating woman. I thrilled with learning even the smallest of details. She was the most interesting person I knew- and the most violent.
But then something clicked.
"Wait. What are you doing over here?" I asked, not that I was complaining. But I didn't even remember finding my way into bed now that I thought about it. All I remembered was that determined glint in my girls eye as she swore she could and would out drink me. I almost scoffed. She weighed maybe 120 pounds soaking wet. There was no way she had succeeded. But if we had gotten drunk(obviously) and she crawled in with me...
I looked down quickly. I knew there was no way I would have denied this girl anything, especially if I was drunk.
"I'm over here because it's my bed." She huffed as I realized that yes, we were still dressed.
"Why are you over here?"
I frowned. That wasn't right.
"No." I said slowly, shaking my head. "You chose the bed on the left. This is my bed."
Realisation dawned on her indignant face proceeded by horror. I smirked. Now this was an interesting development.
"Well, Ms. Swan," I drawled, leaning back against the headboard. "I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or violated."
I wouldn't mind if she wanted to violate me a little more, I snickered as I thought back to my dream.
"Shut up!" She hissed, smacking my arm as if she could hear my thoughts. "We have bigger problems to deal with here."
She gulped as she looked at me and I frowned, confused. What was going on here? Bella looked... scared? I instantly felt protective.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, beginning to feel panicked. My Bella never looked scared. DB was devious and beautiful- she was never scared. At least I'd never seen it before. "Bella? What's wrong?"
She took a deep breath as if preparing and then lifted her left hand without a word. Of course I had to fall in love with not only the most gorgeous and feisty woman I'd ever met, but also the most confusing. But then something on her finer caught the sun from the window and all the air left my lungs with a single expletive.
I'd never been one for cursing. My mother, and my aunt Esme for that matter, would have washed my mouth out with soap. But it seemed strangely appropriate in this moment.
Well, I hadn't been expecting that! A ring that matched her own, a single band of silver, ran along my own ring finger and I gulped. She was going to kill me this time.
"My sentiments exactly." She nodded and I couldn't help but think she was agreeing with my thoughts more than my words.
She really was going to kill me. She had made a habit of threatening over the weeks that we'd known each other but it never really bothered me. It was more a form of endearment really. But this time she really was going to kill me.
"Tequila!" She groaned, slapping her forehead. "Ouch!"
I was about to ask if she was okay but then she was off and running through a rant that left her breathless and me dazed. I didn't even understand most of what she was saying she was speaking so quickly. I caught something about evil trolls, and Rosalie being a witch, and her getting a tattoo but I was still too stunned to crack a joke about her fairytale land vocabulary or ever ask where she was planning to get said tattoo.
"We're..." I gulped, trying to process. "Married?"
"You buffoon." She grumbled and I looked down, surprised to see her sprawled across the bed on her back, rubbing her temples as if my stupidity actually pained her. And I'm not denying the stupidity thing because clearly I was about as stupid as you can get without needing to actually be institutionalized. "I'm married to a buffoon."
Married? I hadn't really had time to think of whether I wanted to marry Bella or not in the weeks that I had known her because I had been using so much time just trying to get her to admit that she didn't hate me. But the thought had crossed my mind that I wanted her forever.
She was beautiful, and sexy, and she didn't let me get away with anything. She matched every one of my remarks or pranks with one of her own and sometimes she even beat me. I don't know why that was such a turn on but it most definitely was. I'd spent my entire life being fawned over by woman who were nothing but brainless bimbos who would agree with any little nonsensical thing I sprouted off with. I know it sounds cocky and Bella would probably make me pay for it if she'd heard me but it was true. It was more than refreshing to be able to tease someone that could take it and give it right back. She was smart, and witty, and fun. She was perfect. As soon as I'd seen her fiery glare as she demanded I give her keys back I'd been hooked.
But all I got out was, "Married?"
She growled.
"You say that one more time, Edward, and I swear to God I will strangle you with my bare hands."
See what I mean? It's an endearment really.
"Are you sure you're not just trying to get my life insurance policy, Mrs. Cullen?" I grinned, knowing that she was about to lose it.
She lunged before I had time to brace myself and we both went flying onto the bed. She pounded on me with her little fists for a while as she gave me what for. I loved a girl with fire.
"We're married." She screeched, although it didn't escape my notice that I'd just gotten in trouble for bringing this up. "Married! Do you know what this means?"
"I think so." I said slowly, her fists still flailing. "But I'm not going to say it." I formed manacles around her tiny wrists with my hands, stopping her on slot and gave her a small smile, hoping to soften her up a little bit. "I wouldn't want you to strangle me with your bare hands."
She sighed, laying her head on my chest as if she was just too tired to hold it up anymore and I stroked her hair. I had really done it this time. Because if we woke up married in Vegas I knew who had suggested it and it most definitely wasn't Bella. I can't believe I was so stupid, even if I was drunk. I had wanted to take this slow and just enjoy being with her. I had even been wearing down her resolve little by little- I could tell in the way that she welcomed my hand in hers and sent smiles my way when she thought no one was watching. I could also tell in the way that she sent that hotel receptionist glares when she thought she had been staring for too long although I'm pretty sure she was actually looking at Emmett. I wasn't going to correct her. I loved a jealous Bella and I hoped I got to see a lot more of her in the future- she was hot. But now we were married and she was going to feel rushed, she'd demand we get it annulled. I could almost see the panicked, caged animal, look in her face.
"What are we going to do?" She sighed.
She definitely sounded miserable. She didn't want to be married. Of course she didn't! What girl wants to be married to someone they've known for so little a time?
I sighed.
"Just remember when we're figuring out alimony I am a poor man."
She let out a tired chuckle and propped herself in her hands on my chest. She looked like she belonged there. I wish she'd never move.
"Aren't you going to freak out even a little?" she asked, looking genuinely curious.
"I was considering it." I admitted although it was for a different reason than she was thinking. I'd already realized I was in love with her and I wouldn't mind keeping her with me for the rest of my life but I had also realized that anything like that was going to take time with Bella. It had taken almost every waking hour for weeks to get her to agree to date me. Anything that happened this fast would surely freak her out and chase her away.
"But I decided to get you through your melt down first." I continued truthfully.
She surprised me then by kissing me softly.
"Thank you for thinking of me." She whispered. "I'm sorry I'm being such high maintenance."
"I like you anyway." I teased, grinning against her lips.
"What?" She smirked, pulling back. "No love?"
She frowned abruptly as she thought and I cringed, knowing she was probably remembering something and hoping it wasn't anything to ruin her playful mood.
"You love me!" She screeched.
I paled. How did she know that?
"What?" I choked.
She pointed at me accusingly.
"You love me." She repeated. "You love me like Alice loves Jasymine."
I frowned.
"Who is Jasmine?" I asked, hoping to distract her from the fact that yes- I did love her. She chuckled, telling me I'd mispronounced the name and I said that Jasper was going to kill him. No one messed with Alice.
"Jasper is Jazymine." she chuckled and something about that reminded me. I don't know if it's the giggly voice she used as she said the name or just someone up there decided to cut me a break but suddenly I knew what she was talking about. I remembered the muddled conversation we'd had after, yes- I'd beaten her at the drinking challenge. I smoothed my expression with the joy that I had admitted my love and that she'd said it back. Actually she'd said it first!
"Well, there's one less murder we have to worry about."
"What other murders are we worried about?" She asked. I almost laughed. She sounded suspicious as if I was going to confess to some horrible crime. I thought for half a second about fabricating some far fetched story about a brother I used to have. I warned him time and again Bella not to touch my CD collection but he just wouldn't leave it alone. What was I supposed to do?
But knowing her she'd probably think I was serious and turn me in.
"You're not going to kill me?" I asked in stead.
"Was it your idea?" She asked after thinking.
I shrugged, might as well be honest.
"I don't know." I said honestly but it didn't sound like anything she'd suggest. I mean I had gone so far as to tease her about it the other day. It had to have been my idea.
We lay there in peaceable silence for a change and I ran my fingers through her hair. I loved her.
I had already come to this conclusion a while ago, around the time she helped with my prank against Emmett actually. But it was still a stunning thought. I was holding the woman I loved in my arms and I wasn't going to let go. Somehow I would convince her not to run. I'd convince her to give us a chance and then I'd convince her that we belonged despite the arguments, and the bickering, the pro/con lists, Oliver Twist and all of our other disagreements. We belonged together.
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